Feel what it's like to be your computer and stop the viruses!

(I didn't have time to make the text look perfect on browsers, so you have download the executable for the best quality).


Drag downloads from the queue into the file explorer, and search for viruses by clicking on the folders. If it contains a dangerous file type, put it in the DELETE tray. Otherwise, put it in the DOWNLOAD tray.

If you download dangerous files, your computers stability depletes.

If you delete safe files,  it goes into the overflow.

If the file's timer runs out, it either goes into the overflow or, if it contains viruses, then your stability goes down. 

The overflow is the yellow circle, and the stability is the green circle.

If either the stability depletes or the overflow fills up, you lose! 

(Music: Morning Routine by Ghostrifter Official)


anti-virUs_windows.zip 12 MB


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That's really funny! Never seen anything like this before.

This is a fun little Papers, Please! Style game.